The Q1 2021 Return to Work survey gathers insight around when employers intend to reopen their workplaces (if at all), what safety procedures they will adopt to reopen safely, and how they will incorporate flexibility towards continued remote work.

The survey finds that through the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have maintained operational flexibility towards remote work, with 45% of survey respondents indicating more than 50% of employees are currently working remote. Simultaneously, 35% of survey respondents have less than 10% of their employees working remote.
As seasons shift, 68% of survey respondents plan to have more than 50% of their workforce in the physical workspace by Summer 2021. Despite any return to workplace announcements, employers are maintaining flexibility to accommodate remote work options with 57% requesting in-person presence only for certain activities or roles.
87% of employers responded "Yes" to having developed guidelines for reopening with action plans for employee safety. To ensure safety in the workplace, 85% intend to onboard a full-suite of precautionary measures to include, social distancing, increased presence of PPE and sanitizer, and daily symptom checks.
Check out the 2021 Return to Work infographic